PVA Stiffener for Straw Panama Hats for Panama Hats

PVA Stiffener for Straw Panama Hats

Stock #: 0211

We have 72 in stock


This is our best hat stiffener we have been using for many years as needed to stiffen Panama hats it is a proprietary blend of PVA polymer types that make for an amazing finish to Panama straw hats without affecting their usability or the feal of the straw itself.
It keeps the original art intact and adds a protective invisible undetectable barrier, which is what makes this so perfect.
It will not damage the Paja Toquilla straw or discolor or darken the straws. in addition, it will help stop Oils from penetrating into the straw dew to the composition of the PVA.
Oure PVA Stiffener locks down fibers to make a floppy or difficult brim from Bing so hard to deal with and far less reshaping of the brim will be necessary after using one application of this amazing stiffener.
Apply additional coats if needed or wash it back out with soap and water :)
Will not discolor your straw or make it so it cannot be re-blocked as Some stiffeners will do. Some stiffeners made for Felt hats will seal the straw and block water Absorbtion and this will shorten the life of your Panama hat because it needs to breath and water needs to penetrate into straw to keep it flexible and not dry out so a water-based stiffener that will not rot or discolor or completely seal the straw to moisture, a product that will always be soluble with water is necessary for a Panama hat applications and this product dose just that! Will not void your warrantee with us either other stiffener products can Destry our guarantee and ability to be cleaned and cared for down the road.

Send us your question about this PVA Stiffener for Straw Panama Hats, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

You can also give us a call, toll-free at 1 800-876-6956